La storia dei Viceré, viaggio fra i luoghi e la storia dei sovrani del Regno di Sicilia

The history of the Viceroys, a journey through the places and the lives of the kings of the Kingdom of Sicily

The history of the Viceroys, a journey through the places and the lives of the kings of the Kingdom of Sicily

The Viceroys of Sicily held the position of regents of the Spanish kings, rulers of the largest island in the Mediterranean, for more than three centuries from 1412 to 1759, succeeding in various dynasties of which the dynasty of the Savoy is certainly the most famous one. The latter was able to establish the traditions and the aristocratic and noble way of doing things that, even today, leads the Sicilian stories and its social fabric. Although the Sicilian Kingdom dissolution and the beginning of the Kingdom of Italy is attributable to the Viceroys of the Savoy dynasty, the latter promoted the evolution of society thanks to exciting events that keep leading the narration in today’s history books.

Throughout history, a strong and proud nobility like that of the Viceroys could not do without some symbolic places, able to exalt and praise its pomp, its nobility and its wealth. Today, the whole of Sicily is still dominated by imposing structures and royal palaces that are in use even to this day or serve as important places where Sicilian society develops.

The places of the Viceroys, the monuments richest in history

This is the case of the Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, known as the Benedictine Monastery by the people of Catania and today the seat of the Humanities Department of the University of Catania. The construction of the building began under the Viceroy Juan de la Cerda and was completed under the influence of the Savoy.
In Milazzo, on the other hand, we find the sumptuous palace of the Viceroys, now in ruins. Standing as the administrative seat of the Kingdom of Sicily, it had been the decision-making center of Sicilian politics for more than three centuries, also hosting some sentimental stories, such as those of Ferdinand III after his reparative escape due to some love affairs with the then sovereign’s wife.

Finally, the Norman Palace represents the symbol of the Savoy nobility. The Savoy used several economic resources to renovate the Sala dei Venti room, in order to get ready for the coronation of Vittorio Amedeo II and Anna Maria di Bordone-Orléans on Christmas Eve 1713. Today, the Royal Palace is the seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and walking through the long baroque corridors of the structure allows you to fully breathe the luxury, at times decadent, of the historic and noble dynasty of the Viceroys, rulers of Sicily.

The royalty of the Viceroys and their passion for luxury and good confectionery cuisine is revived today in the creations of Viceré Sicily, enclosing a piece of our own history like a real treasure chest.


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